The Planet Krysalis Project

And The Founders Tribe Collection

I think most of the big politicians out there are failing us. They steer us away from peace and prosperity because all their decisions cater to the agendas of the corporations that keep their parties funded and operational. It’s the way our broken system of democracy works, and it consistently puts the needs of the people second. But that’s alright because there’s a solution. It’s called semi-direct democracy. The way to make semi-direct democracy happen is to build a citizen-owned global corporation that’s specifically designed to lobby politicians. Add a citizen-owned currency and marketplace to the mix and we’d be able to compete with the entities that are currently running the world. This would be by using our massive profits to lobby politicians to pass the laws and make the policies that serve the our best interest. With the advent of Web 3.0 the time has come for humanity to begin the process of freeing itself from the political sway of the multinational corporations and central banks. I believe the time for humanity to be self-governing has arrived. That’s why I created this project. I’m putting it out there in the hopes that people like you will be interested and want to get involved.


Back when I was writing The Last Artifact, I came up with an idea to save the world from a villainous shadow organization that was secretly steering the planet’s governments. At the core of my idea was a global corporation that was owned and operated by all of us. It consisted of a social networking platform where people could vote and create government mandates on any imaginable issue.

The platform also boasted a decentralized monetary system and marketplace where people could do business without having to go through the banking institutions. There was a news network on the platform as well, so that people could get the real, un-spun news. That was ten years ago, and the technology to make it happen was still in its nascent stages, but now it’s good to go. It’s called blockchain and artificial intelligence.

I believe things would be much better on this planet if we could take control of our governments. The technology and funding to make this happen is at our fingertips, just waiting to be used. All that remains is to build a community around this idea. Once that’s done, it will all begin to happen.

The Planet Krysalis Founders Tribe

The NFT coin collection I’ve created currently consists of 51 unique works of digital art, but we could definitely have more coin drops in the future if people started to take an interest in this project. Each coin would serve as an entry token into a Founders Tribe Creators Club, and once a 1000 coins or so were sold, we could establish a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and begin building the Krysalis ecosystem.

The way I see it, the first item on the agenda would be a crowdfunding campaign to generate the assets we’d need. The money we reaised would go into a digital wallet owned by the Founders Tribe DAO, meaning that if you held a coin, you’d also own one share of the DAO and be able to vote on how the money got spent. You’d also receive a percentage of what the Founder’s Tribe raises, providing you with some passive income as a reward for your voting and participating in the DAO.

If you like the sound of this project, and are interested in moving it forward, shoot me an email and I’ll get back to you asap.

Thanks, and all the best,

Paul Cavilla

AKA Gilliam Ness

The time has come for humanity to move up to the next level of societal evolution. If anyone’s going to make it happen, it’ll be the Founder’s Tribe. So let’s make it happen!


Visit the Founders Tribe Collection on OpenSea to pick up your NFT coin.

Buy a Planet Krysalis Founders Tribe t-shirt or hat to help spread the word.