The Mythos of Ascender’s Prophecy
The Zombie Apocalypse Conspiracy Myth

This conspiracy theory imagines an engineered virus that turns people into mindless, flesh-eating undead, driven by the basest of instincts—the compulsion to feed. I believe this myth also taps into humanity’s collective fear of losing its spiritual progress, and regressing into primordial unconsciousness again. In other words, it reflects a latent anxiety that we might backslide into our primal drives, negating any progress we’ve made toward higher consciousness and enlightenment. In Ascender’s Prophecy, this myth is embodied through Christian’s release of a deadly, high-tech virus that reanimates the corpses of its victims, turning them into soulless vessels ready to be possessed by demonic forces. In this way, the walking dead become both a literal and symbolic symbol of the loss of free will, casting a glimpse at the consequences that come from denying the soul’s journey toward spiritual enlightenment.
The New World Order Conspiracy Myth

This conspiracy theory warns of a global elite that’s engineering financial and political crises in order to bring about a unified totalitarian world government. Taken symbolically, this theory represents a desecration of Unity Consciousness, where instead of coming together as One in mutuality, humanity is bound together by fear and separation. This one-world government concept represents a desecration of the utopian ideal, twisting global peace and happiness into hopelessness and despair. In Ascender’s Prophecy, Christian Antov embodies this myth as he manipulates global events, centralizes power, crushes hope, and drives humanity toward a dystopian future. His actions as the new Nautonnier mirror the antichrist archetype, steering humanity away from enlightenment and towards a kind of hell on Earth.
The Illuminati Conspiracy Myth
Often associated with the New World Order myth, the Illuminati conspiracy theory claims that a shadowy group has been manipulating world governments and religious institutions for millennia. Taken as myth, this theory mirrors the hidden workings of what Carl Jung referred to as the shadow-self archetype, which resides to a greater or lesser degree within every human psyche. It’s the part of us that twists the truth, and our perception of reality, so as to maintain control over our thoughts and actions.
In Ascender’s Prophecy, Christian’s descent into darkness echoes this mythos as he manipulates the world around him so as to tighten his grip on power. His journey highlights an inner battle that’s part of the human condition, where the shadow-self distorts wisdom, keeping us from self-realization. The novel’s exploration of this inner spiritual warfare introduces the need to reclaim truth from deception by going through our fear.
The Reptilian Race Conspiracy Myth
This is one of the most absurd conspiracy theories out there. It imagines that our world leaders are not human, but rather shape-shifting reptilian beings, seeking to control and enslave us. While preposterous when taken literally, this theory reflects the existence of a darker, primitive part of the human brain known as the basal ganglia, or the “reptilian brain”. Along with the amygdala glands, this area of the limbic system is responsible for our primal, lower-self traits, such as fear, dominance, territoriality, and selfishness. Taken symbolically, the Reptilian Race conspiracy theory illustrates how our primal-self can pose as our higher-self and hijack our faculties to trick us into believing that selfish, destructive impulses are in our best interest, when in fact, they’re leading us to ruin. In Ascender’s Prophecy, Christian’s transformation into a reptilian god-man symbolizes total surrender to these primal forces. It marks his complete submission to be ruled and dominated by his primitive reptilian-self, and his stubborn refusal to recognize his true god-like nature.
The Evil Vatican Conspiracy Myth

This conspiracy theory suggests that long ago a dark force infiltrated the Vatican and corrupted its teachings to serve a Luciferian agenda. Taken symbolically, this theory represents the lower-ego posing as a supreme spiritual authority within us, so as to manipulate our understanding of the meaning and purpose of life. In this way the heretical Vatican becomes a mythological construct of the ego’s dark, anti-evolutionary drives. In Ascender’s Prophecy, Christian’s rise to power reflects this spiritual corruption as he destroys Rome to usher in a one-world religion based on the Luciferic left-hand path. His inhuman actions echo the lower ego’s ability to destroy rather than build, and to twist truth into falsehoods. It also reinforces the novel’s central theme of spiritual warfare and the inner battle for enlightenment.
The Prophecy of the Popes Conspiracy Myth

This conspiracy theory claims that the current pope is the last pope, signaling the apocalypse and the end of the world. Unlike other conspiracies, this myth carries a positive message alongside it’s ominous implications. It speaks to the collapse of dogmatic religious structures and the dawn of a new era of spiritual awareness. In Ascender’s Prophecy, this shift is mirrored in the unfolding of ancient prophecies that guide the characters towards a higher consciousness. As old structures crumble, a new understanding emerges, grounded in unity and spiritual freedom.
At the heart of Ascender’s Prophecy is a mythos that brings together ancient wisdom and modern conspiracy theories, reflecting the deeper mysteries that have always been hidden beneath the surface of reality. The conspiracy theories are more than just plot devices; they’re expressions of the collective human psyche and reveal our fears of falling back into darkness. By reimagining these theories as modern myths, I wanted to provide a framework through which deeper truths could be explored, while evoking a mythical atmosphere that’s mysterious and engaging.
Each of these myths—whether it’s fear of a New World Order, or the idea of shape-shifting Reptilians ruling our world—serves as a way to explore our internal battles. They speak to the ways we struggle with fear, deception, and the desire for control, both within ourselves and on a global scale. In Ascender’s Prophecy, these elements help to create an epic setting where humanity is on the verge of transformation—either toward a higher state of spiritual evolution or a tragic collapse into chaos.
Ultimately, I wanted this novel to be more than just an adventure. My hope is that, through the exploration of these myths, readers will be invited to consider the larger questions: Who are we? Where are we headed as a species? And what hidden forces are shaping our path? In crafting this story, I aimed to blend entertainment with a deeper sense of mystery and reflection, creating a space where the reader can get lost in the story, but also come away with something to think about. It’s an epic journey, but also an inner one, and my hope is that it sparks curiosity and invites readers to look beyond the surface of things, toward the many truths that lie beneath.